
Knowledge Centre


How to Approach the Problem
With many years of stored manual records, assessing the task can be quite daunting. We have seen many clients continuing to defer making the decision to digital transformation until some kind of disaster strikes.

What we say to our customers.

  1. Determine which manual documents are considered the most important and in order of date and need to access. For example: a medical practice could have 1000 patient records but only 200 patients are active or have been seen in the last six months.
  2. What is the value of your data assets? Can you afford to lose them in the event of a disaster? Can they be easily replaced?
  3. What is your overall strategy to digital transformation? This goes beyond simply focusing on stored manual documents.

The eBITInc team can provide an initial consultation to help customers address the above and many more questions. This is part of our Digital Excellence Discovery Phase.  The output from our Digital Excellence Discovery provides customers with the following:

  1. Summary of Findings & Recommendations
  2. Indicative Cost Assessment
  3. Register of Risks

e-SIGNATURE (Digital Signature)

Do you Need an e-Signature Solution?

From onboarding new employees, securing goods and services, attestations, finance and insurance contracts, the list goes on. Signatures are required, couriering documents for signature is becoming a thing of the past. If anything, the pandemic has accelerated the need for smarter working including use of e-signature and verification. Digital Authorities and certified organizations have become popular within this space to promote an the digital experience.

What we say to our customers.

  1. Where in any of your business processes are delays costing you due to the absence of a signature?
  2. Do you operate regionally or internationally where the need for a signature is part of your compliance or regulatory process?

The eBITInc team can provide an initial consultation to help customers address the above and many more questions. This is part of our Digital Excellence Discovery Phase.  The output from our Digital Excellence Discovery provides customers with the following:

  1. Summary of Findings & Recommendations
  2. Indicative Cost Assessment
  3. Register of Risks